Meeting Notes Software

Our meeting notes software helps you easily and efficiently document all of your meetings

Feature Focus

Meeting notes software as a service - 100% online!

  • Take meeting notes on the fly

  • Separate meeting notes, task assignment and decisions for better handling

  • Generate a structured meeting summary for better reading

How to take meeting notes

How you take meeting notes depends on the context of your organization and the type of meeting you are conducting. There are many examples of meeting notes or templates that can be used for meeting minutes. The one you choose depends how a meeting summary is used in your organization.

  • Is it just rough documentation as a reminder for the team?
  • Is it about documenting the decisions made?
  • Is it legally binding and needs to be a transcript?

However you use meeting summaries, having a great meeting minutes software can help greatly.

How to structure meeting protocol

In any case, structure and readability are crucial for an effective meeting protocol. When it is just long prose, with buried tasks and decisions, no one will read it and all tasks will be out of sight and lost.

meeting report

Without a decent structure, meeting notes are quickly forgotten and just taken out when there is a dispute about what has been discussed. It is not an action item, people work with.

Separate tasks from meeting notes

A major flaw of meeting notes is that tasks are typically not assigned to an individual. It is the responsibility of your attendees to take the next step and derive the personal todos from the meeting notes. But using our meeting minutes software, it assigns tasks in meetings (learn more about our meeting task assignment software capabilities)

Otherwise, this takes much time, requires discipline, and is frequently forgotten!

The best meeting minutes example

Whether you take meeting notes in Microsoft Word, in OneNote, or any other word processing tool. We have never seen the “perfect” meeting minutes template since the context can be so different.

We’ve read many examples and developed a meeting minutes best practice in several iterations. The result is the following meeting minutes structure for each agenda item with separate sections for:

  • agenda description (from the agenda)
  • meeting notes
  • list of decisions made
  • table of assigned tasks with deadlines (who, what until when)

At yoyomeeting, we follow this structure for all agenda topics. At the end of each meeting, there is a table of side issues (on our “parking lot” feature). These are issues not directly related to the agenda, but important to take care of. They are recorded and assigned to attendees like the other tasks, but they are not related to a specific topic.

Create your own meeting minutes template

Our meeting notes software is designed to easily and efficiently document your meetings. You’ll find that your team’s meeting notes will be more effective, which means action items from the meeting get accomplished completely and on-time (learn more about what an action item is here). Among many other features, all tasks are assigned in your meeting individually to the individual responsible, so nothing gets lost.

For the calculation of the benefit, we assumed everyone having a yoyomeeting license has 20 one hour meetings per month with 2 additional attendees. That sums up to 60 meeting hours per month. Each hour is paid in average with 50 €, so the company invests in meetings 3.000 € for wages alone. With yoyomeeting we estimated an overall longterm meeting productivity increase of 20%, which sums up to at least 600 €/month. And in the calculation above, we did not even consider rebates on corporate license packs!