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Make life easier when it comes to recurring meetings and work with agenda templates instead. Learn how to set up and use agenda templates.


How to work with agenda templates

In case you have recurring meetings with the more or less always the same agenda, you can make your life easier with yoyomeeting: work with agenda templates.

Save agenda as a template

To use agenda items which you can load and then change from meeting iteration to meeting iteration, just perform the following simple steps:

  1. Click “New meeting” in your Outlook calendar.
  2. Open the yoyomeeting agenda panel and add your agenda for the first round of meetings.
  3. Instead of Sending the Outlook meeting invitation, just click “Save as template”.
  4. Done!

Add previously saved agenda from template

Adding an agenda from an existing template to your next meeting is just as simple:

  1. Create a new meeting in Outlook.
  2. Open the yoyomeeting agenda panel and select an existing template (at the bottom of the add-in) and click “Load”.
  3. Now, the previously created agenda is loaded into your meeting. Feel free to change it according to your needs in this round of the meeting cycle

Resource: How to Write Meeting Agendas